Hi, I'm Andrea Gutierrez

I'm a reporter and podcast producer in Los Angeles

Andrea Gutierrez

I’m drawn to stories at the intersections of identity, arts, and culture.

A long­time sto­ry­teller with work in print, dig­i­tal, and audio, I most recent­ly pro­duced and report­ed for NPR, where I was part of the teams who made TED Radio Hour, It’s Been a Minute, and Plan­et Mon­ey. My report­ing has aired on shows across the net­work, includ­ing All Things Con­sid­ered, Code Switch and Alt.Latino. In 2023, I report­ed from Berlin as an Arthur F. Burns Fel­low.

I got my start in radio pro­duc­ing and report­ing for The Frame, a dai­ly radio show on NPR sta­tion LAist. Past bylines include The World, Mar­fa Pub­lic Radio, Bitch, make/shift, and Huizache.

My work has won awards and hon­ors from the Pod­cast Acad­e­my, Los Ange­les Press Club, Nation­al Asso­ci­a­tion of His­pan­ic Jour­nal­ists, NLGJA: The Asso­ci­a­tion of LGBTQ Jour­nal­ists, and KCR­W’s 24-Hour Radio Race. I was a RIAS Berlin Com­mis­sion Fel­low, IWMF Gwen Ifill Fel­low, and AIR New Voic­es Schol­ar. In a pre­vi­ous life, I spent many years advis­ing and men­tor­ing stu­dents at pub­lic uni­ver­si­ties through­out California.

A first-gen­er­a­tion col­lege grad­u­ate and life­long South­ern Cal­i­forn­ian, I received a B.A. in Ger­man stud­ies at Scripps Col­lege and an MFA in cre­ative non­fic­tion at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, River­side. I’m an alum of the Poyn­ter Lead­er­ship Acad­e­my for Diver­si­ty in Media and the Tran­som Trav­el­ing Workshop.

Recent stories

I’m a Swiss-army knife for podcasts — host, reporter, producer

A few shows I’ve worked on

TED Radio Hour podcast tile

Producer for this long-running sound-rich narrative podcast, co-produced by NPR and TED.

It's Been a Minute with Sam Sanders podcast tile

Producer, reporter, and guest host for this biweekly podcast and weekly radio show covering news and pop culture.

Planet Money podcast tile

Producer for NPR’s popular economics podcast.

Let's work together