
Radio & Podcast Production

As a for­mer pro­duc­er on some of NPR’s most pop­u­lar pod­casts, I’ve honed my skills in all parts of the pro­duc­tion process — from pitch­ing, to inter­view­ing, to cut­ting tape, to sound design, to publication.

I’m avail­able for: 

  • report­ing
  • host­ing
  • field pro­duc­ing
  • sto­ry editing
  • script­ing
  • tape syncs

Past clients include NPR, CBC, WGBH, Sta­ble Genius Pro­duc­tions, Amer­i­ca’s Test Kitchen, and Made in Man­ches­ter Pro­duc­tions for BBC World Service.

Manuscript & Book Editing

As a fel­low writer, I know well the chal­lenges of see­ing a project through to com­ple­tion. A sec­ond set of eyes can make all the dif­fer­ence when seek­ing pub­li­ca­tion. I col­lab­o­rate with writ­ers to add clar­i­ty and finesse to their words, doing so with the utmost sen­si­tiv­i­ty and respect for the writer and their work.

I’m avail­able for:

  • copy­edit­ing
  • proof­read­ing
  • for­mat­ting
  • type­set­ting

Past clients include Cal­tech, Los Ange­les Review of Books, make/shift mag­a­zine, and Shade Moun­tain Press, as well as many schol­ars and professionals. 

Let’s work together