Radio and Podcasts

Reporting & Hosting

Here’s a few sam­ples of my on-air host­ing and reporting.

Ger­mans prep for pot legal­iza­tion, NPR, 2023 

Lis­ten to the story

Lega­cies of the Chi­cano Mora­to­ri­um, It’s Been a Minute, NPR, 2020

Lis­ten to the story

The Latin Explo­sion of 1999, It’s Been a Minute, NPR, 2021

Lis­ten to an excerpt

You Asked for Real Rais­es, Free Ship­ping, and a Spe­cial Deliv­ery, Plan­et Mon­ey, NPR, 2021

Lis­ten to an excerpt

The Game Has Changed for D&D and “A League of Their Own,” It’s Been a Minute, NPR, 2022

A Guide­book to Smell, It’s Been a Minute, NPR, 2022

Mayes Rubeo, “Jojo Rab­bit” Cos­tume Design­er, The Frame, KPCC, 2020

Dori­an Wood Remem­bers Chavela Var­gas, The Frame, KPCC, 2019

Tues­day Night Cafe, The Frame, KPCC, 2019

Home­bod­ies, KCR­W’s 24-Hour Radio Race, 2019

Selected Producing

My work on these episodes includ­ed research, writ­ing, cut­ting tape, sound design, and scoring.

How do our brains per­ceive our future selves? One psy­chol­o­gist want­ed to know, TED Radio Hour, NPR, 2023

How to turn every­day moves (even typ­ing!) into dance, TED Radio Hour, NPR, 2023

How the first LGBTQ+ video game was giv­en a sec­ond life, TED Radio Hour, NPR, 2023

Build­ing a library of unread man­u­scripts, locked away until 2114, TED Radio Hour, NPR, 2022

Pro­duc­er Glo­ria Calderón Kel­lett on mak­ing and sus­tain­ing Lat­inx TV, It’s Been a Minute, NPR, 2022

Michaela Coel Is A ‘Mis­fit.’ She Wants To Help Oth­er Mis­fits, Too, It’s Been a Minute, NPR, 2021

The rest of my NPR work can be found here.